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Customer Testimonials

After getting back into riding after 7 years, this was the first ever clinic I had ever taken. I found it a real eye opener and I learned lots. I felt more confident and happier at working with my first ever horse at the age of 50 and a horse aged 13 that hadn't been ridden for 15 months. Thank you so much Vance, it was great!

Tracy Edgar, Equine Communication Patterns Clinic

Thank you for such an informative and interactive clinic!

Maria- Prairie Skies Equine Assisted Therapy Volunteer Coordinator, Equine Communication Patterns Clinic

This was awesome!

Kerry Sherman- Prairie Skies Equine Assisted Therapy Corporate Secretary, Equine Communication Patterns Clinic

(Equine Communication Patterns) was an awesome clinic! A lot of useful information. Loved when we were able to see the horses reactions after learning about them in the morning. Loved the relaxed atmosphere!

Maureen Hardie, Equine Communication Patterns Clinic

Vance is a great instructor! The clinics and sessions are fun and safe. He instills confidence and knowledge in all participants. Working cattle clinics!. Roping clinics!. Horsemanship lessons and more!. Skills for working ranches. Vance has easily handled all issues I've had as a green rider and a first horse owner. Amazing!. I will continue to attend his clinics!!!!!

Gary Klassen, Horsemanship Lessons, Working Ranch Roping, Introduction to Working Cattle, Equi-Health Canada Clinics

Vance is a wonderful facilitator. I found the Equine Communication Patterns clinic to be very enlightening and informative. I will definitely take more clinics sponsored by Rocking Star Ranch. Thanks Vance!

Cheryl Emblau, Equine Communication Patterns clinic

Cheryl Emblau, Equine Communication Patterns clinic

Carla Perry, Working Ranch Roping, Introduction to Working Cattle clinics

Great weekend, highly recommend Vance!

Brad Karl, Karl Outfitters, Working Ranch Roping Clinic

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